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The Studio Session Live News Updates

9/8/14-  Update- We broke the barrier!

Studio Session Live is now reaching viewers  weekly on  20 stations in 10 states.
Some downloading, some promised, and some waiting for free downloads.

Our channel of video clips has gone past 4,600 views

We scheduled 30 more shows this fall and spring. Schedule is up, all filled in. No slots left.
Stations and artists now have links to their websites.

The next big challenge is the size of Hidef files. When we shoot a one hour show, it takes about 80 gigabytes on the disk,  (think 16 dvds)

I think just the video for a year will take about 5 terrabytes per year.  Until we can  come up with a solution, we can only distribute them, both to stations and artists, as ‘letterboxed’ SD video, mpeg 2.